Mobile Password Wallet
Carry your password on your cell phone and input them on your computer automatically. No need to remember so many passwords anymore!You can also remot...
Carry your password on your cell phone and input them on your computer automatically. No need to remember so many passwords anymore!You can also remot...
Platinum® Password Wallet is a must have to keep passwords securely on your deviceSimply use Platinum® Password Wallet to keep your passwords of:★ Ban...
太多密碼記不住? 敲擊螢幕鍵盤又慢又容易打錯? 打密碼時容易被偷看破解?AirSig是一個安全方便的密碼錢包。您可以將您常用的帳號、密碼等私密資訊存起來,需要時能方便取出使用,並由我們獨創的3D空中簽名驗證及AES256加密來保護。使用AirSig密碼錢包之後,您不用記憶任何密碼,不用敲擊螢幕鍵盤,...
How many passwords do you have to remember ? Now every site requires a login and password, and often using the same password , or are stored in files ...
A Highly secured Password Wallet tool for protecting your all type of Passwords either it's your social sites or your personal banking info.An opt...
You don't need to remember different passwords for your bank accounts, your e-mail addresses and your Facebook page anymore. All you need to remem...
Engage yourself in this arcade game of aerial combat! Control your paper plane and eliminate your adversaries. Gather the stars to increase game poin...
永豐銀行信用卡專屬APP,提供熱門刷卡優惠訊息、帳務即時查詢、商店優惠訊息等功能,最重要的還有行動紅利兌換功能,提供百種以上精選紅利商品,大大地提升紅利兌換的豐富性及使用便利性,還在等什麼? 快下載吧!功能特色※熱門活動:提供完整的優惠活動訊息,還可於手機上直接操作登錄,讓您聰明消費,便利好用又實惠...
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!★可愛簡單的每日小遊戲和介紹朋友加入以及完成任務,就能輕鬆拿金幣兌換購物金! 「錢包小豬」裡面有可愛多變的小豬造型,讓妳看了心情大好~ 另外還有簡單又愛不釋手的小遊戲,簡單的遊戲就可以輕鬆獲得金幣喔~ 集滿金幣後還可以兌換7-ELEVEn超商 現金抵...
Whenever you receive a call you often forget the name of the spouse and kids of the contact as well as the organization in which that particular conta...