
Anti Jokes

This application allows you to stop people telling you poor jokes.When your "agressor" will finish his joke ; press one of the 12 buttons.Each button ...

Anti zanzare

Se sei stanco di essere pizzicato dalle zanzare, in casa o all'aperto, mentre dormi, studi o sei a una festa, prova questo nuovo anti zanzare! Sem...


透過行動裝置上專屬的應用程式 AiSecure,讓你更簡單的監控家裡的一切,從此你將可以一覽無餘。除了即時監看關注之地正在發生的事情,主動推播通知更能在事件發生的同時就發出通知到你的行動裝置,讓你一手掌握所有狀況。主要功能:- 觀看所有 Surveillance Center 管理的攝影機, 同一頁...


This app is mainly for encrypting a file with a password. But it can also do several other functions# Encrypting: Select the file you want to encrypt....