99M Player PRO app

Freaking Math Pro

Freaking Math Pro - Brain trainning gameHow to play:• One second for making decision.• Choose TRUE or FALSE for a simple mathematical expression.• Ans...

Math Pro

Math pro is for younger kids but the harder levels may be challenging to teens and some adults.There is an easy mode, Normal mode, and Hard mode. Ther...

MX Player Pro

此款為 MX Player 無廣告版。MX Player - 欣賞影片的最佳途徑。a) 硬體解碼 - 擁有最新的硬體解碼器,更多影片能受益於硬體加速。b) 多核心解碼 - MX Player 是 Android 平台上第一款多核心解碼影片播放器,根據在多核心設備上的測試,它比單核心解碼效能提高將近7...