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[模擬賽馬] Race Simulator 是一個賽馬模擬app,以嶄新方式學習賽馬形勢。程式會為你預先演繹賽事,令全程賽事活現於用家眼前。 這個獨一無二的app透過獨立系統運算,結合實時賽馬資訊及優質3D圖像,讓用家於賽前一天率先預覽預設賽事過程,先睹為快。當你掌握各場賽事的步速形勢後,-你亦可自...



Tap Slide 2

The same Tap Slide… but this time not so squarish.The world’s easiest game Sliding Puzzle, with one touch control.Just tap to slide into place and for...

Tap Slide

The world’s easiest game Sliding Puzzle, with one touch control.Just tap to slide into place and form the complete picture.Lesser move you make, the h...

Orbit One

Your mission is to rescue as many astronaut as you can.Timing is everything.Launch your rocket from the spinning planetary orbit to change your direct...