Android KitKat Map
Helps to show the distribution of Android 4.4 KitKat around the world! Upload your information, when the new Android version reaches your smartphone.免...
Helps to show the distribution of Android 4.4 KitKat around the world! Upload your information, when the new Android version reaches your smartphone.免...
This app is for my old Youtube channel. My new Youtube channel is Liam Tech Central. I would have taken this app down since I know longer post on that...
REQUIREMENTS: - You need a rooted phone to use this theme with Jelly Bean (that's a must) - You need a ROM with the Theme Chooser Engine to apply it. ...
Get the new chocolaty Android experience with this exclusive 4.4 KitKat lock screen! Android 4.4 KitKat has been a much anticipated update by millions...
Try the new update Android 4.4 Kitkat: Learn About advantages of the new Update 4.4 Try the New applications of the system 4.4 The new camera for andr...
REQUIREMENTS: - You need a rooted phone to use this theme with Jelly Bean (that's a must)- You need a ROM with the Theme Chooser Engine to apply i...
▶Main Features:-Theme Maker: Easy way to make my own Atom theme with my gallery and theme images.- Atom Bar: Google search, digital clock, clock + Qui...
TICO (Tableros Interactivos de COmunicación) es una aplicación informática para generar y utilizar tableros de comunicación de forma interactiva que c...
如果在你身處的地方(香港地區only)在1~2小時內有可能會下雨的話,會發出notification.* 請先啓動手機定位 *系統設定 > 位置與安全性 >我的位置 > 使用無線網路* 假如有用 Task Killer 之類的 app, 請將 HKRainDroid 從 task killer 剔除...
Remote control your Denon® AVR via local network.You can create your own remote control button layouts with XML files.On how to do this, take a look a...