想全方位掌握心中的偶像吗?请别错过中国电信爱音乐为您量身定制的艺人客户端,聆听艺人热播音乐、欣赏热门MV资讯、还有赏心悦目写真,万千精彩掌中汇,与您偶像零距离。主要特色: 1)特色音乐:精品歌曲汇聚地,就是那么一首让你爱上TA。 2)MV视频:唱跳演一网打尽,震撼视听双重享受。 3)艺人写真:全方位...
一个可以开三个QQ的应用, 而且占用资源很少,不掉线,支持群,空间,校友等, 一起挂Q吧~你还在为一个手机只能开一个QQ而烦恼吗?你还在为拥有多个QQ不能同时挂而发愁吗?你还在羡慕别人QQ的高等级吗?试试这个小应用吧!他可以帮助你迅速提高QQ等级并且可以同时挂3个QQ!经过精心优化后,流量更是少之又...
Game name "Meteor for you (M4U)" I wonder why they ed that. Time had pass and while going home on the bus I was talking to yireonjeoreon who suddenly ...
"Shopping Race" is a incredible race game in the supermarket!You are the racer of supermarket.You operate shopping race cart.You muse collect foods fo...
Shop until you drop in a retail paradise with up to 40 unique challenges and 5 floors of retail therapy! -----------------------------------------Chec...
Check out 5 levels in the Free Version. Want more? Shop until you drop in the Full Version with up to 40 unique challenges and 5 floors of retail ther...
I've never seen such a fancy shopping girl like yourself. Today is your pay day from your job!!! So excited to get that pay check and spend it all on ...
Play as a fashion girl trying to stretch the stick in order to reach and walk on the shopping street. Watch out! If the stick is not long enough, you ...
I spelen Shoppingrace, Samla kundvagnar och Stapla varor ska man få så höga poäng som möjligt. Ju högre poäng desto större rabatt får man på veckans t...