南方熊算术练习系列 特色: 1.家长监督系统 2.宠物收集 3.答题比赛 南方熊少儿算术,让孩子学习算术,家长可以每天查看孩子做算术题的结果,会自动记录最近一个月的每日成绩噢! 游戏以小鸟的飞行比赛的形式,让孩子练习算术,计算越快,小鸟就飞得越快,每次玩一组加法测验,回答错误的题的答案将会被列出,完...
南方熊算术练习系列 特色: 1.家长监督系统 2.宠物收集 3.答题比赛 南方熊少儿算术,让孩子学习算术,家长可以每天查看孩子做算术题的结果,会自动记录最近一个月的每日成绩噢! 游戏以小鸟的飞行比赛的形式,让孩子练习算术,计算越快,小鸟就飞得越快,每次玩一组加法测验,回答错误的题的答案将会被列出,完...
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Let it Ninja a simple fun game about a cute Ninja. JUST TAP TO JUMP over the Stars, knifes, Fire and bombs! Easy to play, hard to master, addictive.Sh...
Control the red circle. Very simple, isn't it? Nope...... You have to let the blue dots get through it while blocking the red dots.How many score can ...
Digital Inclusion Let IT Play is a youth concert with interactive games, which to show how youth can join and help to build and inclusive society. Get...
I bet that I will make you hungry with this game! Jump the little potato in this thrilling and action packed jumping adventure. Meet the hapless ever ...
The 28 piano sheet musics of J.S.Bach from his "Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach".And you can download more other sheet musics from the Music Store. E...
Poker is a game that lets you play five card draw poker texas hold’em stud against your iPhone and real people just like the Video Poker machines in a...