最近看到PTT的Taiwan319板置底文有熱心網友整理了這麼多的章點 ( http://0rz.tw/yAQG0 ),所以想說利用這個檔案幫大家做一個簡易的章點導航app好了。雖然天下有出一個app,但是個人覺得實在沒有很好用。(雖然現在這個app功能也很少 XDDDD)於是就有了「微笑地圖319...
最近看到PTT的Taiwan319板置底文有熱心網友整理了這麼多的章點 ( http://0rz.tw/yAQG0 ),所以想說利用這個檔案幫大家做一個簡易的章點導航app好了。雖然天下有出一個app,但是個人覺得實在沒有很好用。(雖然現在這個app功能也很少 XDDDD)於是就有了「微笑地圖319...
『臺灣銀行-網路銀行隨身版』提供您一個安全、便利及完整的網路銀行隨身服務,您可隨時隨地登入網路銀行進行各類帳戶餘額、明細查詢及轉帳、繳費服務,並有提供本行匯利率牌價、黃金牌價查詢服務,讓您更快速掌握本行各項金融資訊,另有提供結合定位功能之國內服務據點及ATM據點查詢服務及多項生活便利資訊、讓您『e ...
This is the beta version of the ³ (aka Cubed) music player. Enjoy! NOTE_ If you are having issues with album art run 'Get Art' again. If that does no...
讓我們帶著「微笑台灣雲端護照」一起旅行台灣吧!我們走過台灣的每一個角落,戳章蓋下印記, 刻畫旅行的足跡,手機即時連網, 存取尋訪的記錄,鏡頭拍攝影像, 保留感動的故事,用不同的方式, 說一段旅行台灣的故事。當您旅行時, 發現帶著微笑的圓形圖標, 以及QR Code時, 代表您正在拜訪的是「微笑聯盟」...
Mobile Banking has arrived at Security State Bank & Trust! With SSB&T's Mobile Banking app, you can safely and securely access your accounts anywh...
Securely bank wherever and whenever you want with CentralMOBILE from Central Bank. Available for free to all Central Bank CentralNET customers, Centra...
Download the free Rockland Trust Mobile Banking app and manage your account 24/7 right from your mobile device or tablet. Rockland Trust Mobile Bankin...
All stations working fine.For every complaint contact us.Channel list:SWR31LIVEAntenne BayernNDR 2Klassik Radio 98.1 FMROCK ANTENNEBayern 3Antenne Bay...
Radio Deutschland is the most simple, fast and clear app for listening all the radio stations from Germany. We have one of the most complete stations ...
"We need another load of bricks over here. Grab the forklift and bring a load over."To the eyes of little children the sounds and images of constructi...