
Focus Wheel

The Focus Wheel App brings the Focus Wheel process, given by Abraham-Hicks, on your phone.The Focus Wheel is a great process to use when you want to c...

Focus Monitor

Focus Monitor lets you discover your attention score. Focus Monitor was developed by Think-now, a company dedicated to the creation of tests and train...


按下电源按钮三次拨打电话报警,并发送短信到你的,你有麻烦了密切的圈子。 用你现在的位置没有互联网连接,让警察发现你在简单的方法。 可用在诸如国家:博茨瓦纳,埃及,加纳,尼日利亚,索马里,巴林,孟加拉国,印度,伊朗,以色列, 哈萨克斯坦,菲律宾,沙特阿拉伯,叙利亚,奥地利,丹麦,爱沙尼亚,意大利,俄罗...