菩提道次第廣論v3.0上架了,滿滿20冊的手抄稿 + 全球廣論進度!原文+手抄+音檔 無縫學習的時代來了,努力學習改變我們的生命!『菩提道次第廣論』是宗喀巴大師最為重要的著作之一,主要依據阿底峽尊者的『菩提道燈論』而成。這本道次第從依止善知識及思惟暇滿人生之道前基礎開始,經過念死無常,思惟惡趣苦,思...
菩提道次第廣論v3.0上架了,滿滿20冊的手抄稿 + 全球廣論進度!原文+手抄+音檔 無縫學習的時代來了,努力學習改變我們的生命!『菩提道次第廣論』是宗喀巴大師最為重要的著作之一,主要依據阿底峽尊者的『菩提道燈論』而成。這本道次第從依止善知識及思惟暇滿人生之道前基礎開始,經過念死無常,思惟惡趣苦,思...
廣論音檔是屬於『菩提道次第廣論 - 歡喜心集行腳僧』的外加配件。廣論音檔執行後會需要1.1G的額外空間下載音檔資料,請您先確定儲存空間足夠。下載完後執行程式將音檔資料複製到您指定的目錄(例如:外部SD儲存設備),完成後可以反安裝app來釋放空間。!!!重要!!!Google在4.4(kitkat)之...
圈小球成功时有一定概率出现游戏道具,你需要画一条线剪断绳子来得到它,圈的球越多道具出现的几率越大. 多彩球需要圈两次才能消除.2种道具20个关卡,挑战你的手指.免費玩圈球 APP玩免費免費玩圈球 App圈球 APP LOGO圈球 APP QRCode熱門國家系統支援版本費用APP評分上架日期更新日期...
Here is a little addicting rally style racing game where you collect as many coins as you can before the time runs out. The game features 4 highly det...
They are lovely and beautiful, but are they real? And if they are: Are they good or evil? Some are on the bright side, some on the dark side!This live...
Hello and welcome to a new surgery game called Cat Heart Surgery. I`m sure you are going to love playing this game and make our little kitty feel bett...
Welcome to Animal Games injury. You have a new mission this time doctor.You are a pet doctor in a pet hospital and you need to save a little cat that ...
Welcome to the new Nurse.com Unbound! This free digital publication is brought to you by the brand nurses know and love: Nurse.com. It is designed to ...
This revolutionary new app allows you or your loved one to get the attention they need. If you or your loved one is staying at a hospital or long term...
Hello to all the friv games lovers. We are happy to introduce you to a great game called Friv Christmas Games. Everybody loves Christmas because the g...