

2014年运势预测,根据中国传统文化进行2014年的运势预测,包括:总体运势、爱情婚姻、事业财运、身体健康、灾祸化解等。 要想知道2014年需要注意哪些方面,2014年是否适合创业,2014年桃花运怎样,就下载这个软件测测吧! 备注:经供参考,不可迷信! 2014 生肖 运势 运程 预测 算命免費玩...


The Practical Caregiver is a resource for hands-on education that caregivers need in order to safely and properly care for someone or to judge the qua...

Peek a Color

With this App, children learn to identify colors (Specifically children 2-3 years old). It is designed to be a tool to help parents, and to be used wi...

Peek a Draw

Peek-a-Draw is a simple drawing App for kids. It is designed especially for ages 2-4 years old. It is recommended to use with parents.You can draw on ...