

2013年WBC世界棒球经典赛于您手中完整再现! 3D画面拟真棒球收录了本届16个参赛队伍共447位实名选手的资料 四年一度的世界棒球经典赛首次于智慧型手机登场! 于您的手机上再度体验2013年WBC的兴奋与感动! 【游戏特色】 - 友谊赛模式 由2013年世界棒球经典赛的16只参赛队伍中,选择两支...


快速取得CPBL中華職棒例行賽賽程表,也可以很快的查詢過去的歷史對戰資料!全新球季,全新排版,配合新的 Android Lollipop 的 Material Design。用更流暢的操作風格與動線,將過往的成績一覽無遺。同時改進了許多過去已經提供的功能,變得更快更順暢。另外還增加了新的提醒功能,在...


This very simple app allows you to change screens by clicking a button!If you are in an app development class and would like to view the mit app inven...


This app allows you to play a game of avoiding letting a ball get below your paddle while the difficulty increases.If you are in an app development cl...

Mole Mash 2

This is an app similar to mole mash except the mole pops out of set holes rather than just a random spot on the screen!If you are in an app developmen...


This simple app allows you to change the background color of the hornet from black to white or white to black by clicking a button!If you are in an ap...

Mini Golf

This app allows you to play 18 holes of mini golf!If you are in an app development class and would like to view the mit app inventor blocks zip file s...

Weather App

This simple app allows you view the weather!If you are in an app development class and would like to view the mit app inventor blocks zip file send me...