

Midoog is the personal assistant you were looking for. All the necessary information about your dog will be at your fingertips in a single place: vacc...


这是一款至今已超越50万下载的大受好评的免费应用.??作为应用的概要,这款应用通过管理欧吉桑的健康状态来管理智能手机的状态,从而帮助用户节省手机电力,是一款充满娱乐趣味的Android电池优化应用.??例如: 如果电池的消耗变的快,手机反应变慢的话,应用中的欧吉桑的健康状态也会变坏.相反,如果改善了...

WVC 2015

Download this App and get the complete conference schedule on your Android 4.0+ device. The App contains session and exhibitor information as well as ...

conhIT 2015

Die offizielle conhIT-App begleitet Sie in den Veranstaltungsteilen Industrie-Messe, Kongress, Akademie und Networking auf Europas größter Veranstaltu...