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This is FREE viewer of SSP (Secure & Share Photo) files.To secure your photos go to my apps and install Safe Photo Pro!What is SAFE PHOTO?SAFE PHOTO i...
Safe web for Facebook is the perfect solution to access your Facebook safely.FEATURES:===========================- Support all of screens: iPad, iPhon...
Safe web for Yahoo is the best solution to access your Email safely.FEATURES:===========================- Support all of screens: iPad, iPhone 5s, iPh...
Safe web for Google Plus is the best solution to access your G+ safely.FEATURES:===========================- Support all of screens: iPad, iPhone 5s, ...
Safe web Pro for Linkedin is the best solution to access your Linkedin safely.FEATURES:===========================- Support all of screens: iPad, iPho...
Safe-U is an ingenious way of catching any criminal, predator or bully during the act by stealthly recording and instantly uploading the evidence, als...
Safe-U for Kids is a child safety application to prevent child abduction and bullying. The app can also help if your child is lost. As a companion to ...
Safe-U is an ingenious way of catching any criminal, predator or bully during the act by stealthly recording and instantly uploading the evidence, als...