「筆試通」是一個專為香港駕駛執照應考者而設的流動應用程式。此程式為協助應考者熟習電腦化筆試的形式及操作而設計,反覆綀習能使您應考筆試信心倍增。特色:1.收錄 300+ 最新模擬題目,供應考者反覆測驗2.模擬真實電腦化駕駛執照筆試程式3.提供覆覽標示,應考者可標示已覆覽題目4.自動計時,計算測驗總時間...
「筆試通」是一個專為香港駕駛執照應考者而設的流動應用程式。此程式為協助應考者熟習電腦化筆試的形式及操作而設計,反覆綀習能使您應考筆試信心倍增。特色:1.收錄 300+ 最新模擬題目,供應考者反覆測驗2.模擬真實電腦化駕駛執照筆試程式3.提供覆覽標示,應考者可標示已覆覽題目4.自動計時,計算測驗總時間...
海运网客户端是一款实用性信息平台,集行业资讯、供求商机、企业黄页、微博登陆、微博分享、转播到腾讯微博、地图定位、一键拨打联系人电话、浏览关于我们联系人信息等功能于一体。 海运网致力于打造国内海运行业最专业、最权威、为用户着想的公共服务平台,包括企业库、产品供求、企业与网络、行业资讯、会展 、人才、行...
**THIS VERSION HAS NO IN GAME BANNER ADS** Check out this new fun and cool game! Who would’ve thought that managing a truck fully loaded with sweets a...
A fast action casual Block game with no ads and no wait times. This game is designed for entertaining you on the go and at home!In Leap! you must trav...
Communicate with your friends anywhere in cool universal fonts. •34 Fonts to use anywhere and everywhere •No In-App purchase required for any font •Cl...
**THIS VERSION HAS NO IN GAME BANNER ADS** Be a boxing champion is this all new boxing game. Show your fighting skills as you go inside the boxing rin...
Bienvenido a El Gran Juego ATM virtual. Además de ver el programa los sábados a las 8pm en Teletica ahora también podés jugar. Solo tenés que lanzar l...
Филворды - это хит №1 среди игр в слова!Заполните квадрат с буквами разноцветными полосками и найдите все спрятанные слова. Играйте с монстриками и по...
Conheça o Palpiteros, onde o futebol é muito mais social! Crie seu bolão interativo com a galera, fique por dentro de tudo sobre seu time, receba noti...
Letter Sleuth is a word puzzle game. If the clue is: "2 P in a P". The answer is "2 peas in a pod". There are expressions, books, bands, TV shows, mov...