藝文GO!是一個免費、完全無廣告的藝文資訊app。這裡包含了全台各縣市的所有藝術文化資訊,舉凡藝術展覽、音樂會、舞蹈表演、電影欣賞、親子活動、各項競賽及演唱會資訊等,你想知道的藝文資訊通通可以在這裡找到! 讓我們一起藝文GO吧! 功能特色: *資料由文化部開放資料平台提供,包含兩廳院及年代售票資訊...
Create from a classic moral story “Jack and The Beanstalk” to full interactive electronic book for children.- Didactic story and easy to understand fo...
The Incredible Tale of Jack and the BeanstalkA lively animated story, specially designed for young learners to enjoy in their own language or in a sec...
L’Incroyable Histoire de Jacques et des Haricots MagiquesA lively animated story, specially designed for young learners to enjoy in their own language...
Jack And The Beanstalk for iPad is a talking and interactive kid's moral story book with attractive NATIVE voice narration. It is a famous English fai...
Play interesting quiz game with your family or friends!This game is for up to 4 people to play together. Fill the names of players in the above text f...
Description: +Engaging animations and illustrations with Hello Kitty and Friends that will fascinate your child! +Educational games & puzzles to keep ...
This beautifully illustrated and interactive story application is specifically designed to improve children’s emotional intelligence. The design of th...