17 life團購網站

Healthy Life

Android health and wellness application. This application offers five videos channels, which provide users guidelines to keep healthy habits or help f...

Sushi Life

This app is a game to run sushi restaurant.Aspire for top sales!Earn money by tapping the sushi.Raise the funds and level to increase the profits more...

i-gotU Life

此 app 需搭配 Q-Band 使用。i-gotU Life 是一個行動應用程式,可完美地搭配 Q-Band 運動手環使用,進以追蹤記錄並分析您每日的步數、卡路里、運動習慣以及睡眠品質。Q-Band 可讓您設定不同的目標來督促您自己進行更密集的運動規劃。透過 i-gotU Life 中設定的提醒功...