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用手机享团购!GOMAJI团购5折优惠天天带着走! 只要半价的美食餐厅、民宿饭店,通通在GOMAJI团购网! 功能介绍>> 1.今日团购:手机下单,马上买!您可使用「今日团购」,选择城市,并直接于手机上进行订购,消费过程全采SSL加密,享有和PC上购买一样的便利与安全。 2.精选店家:在外逛街,可利...

Healthy Life

Android health and wellness application. This application offers five videos channels, which provide users guidelines to keep healthy habits or help f...

Sushi Life

This app is a game to run sushi restaurant.Aspire for top sales!Earn money by tapping the sushi.Raise the funds and level to increase the profits more...

Busy Life

Busy life is an application for managing your human relation in better way. You can import your contacts from your phone books and other social networ...