一起作业网®目前注重于中小学英语教学。一起作业®联合美国加州大学伯克利分校语音实验室,研发了世界领先的语音纠正和智能外语学习技术。一起作业® 拥有音节级发音即时打分技术的全部知识产权,此技术全世界唯一。一起作业®利用语音心理学(Psychoacoustics)等高技术有针对性的解决学员 的英语听说弱...
“猫头鹰小老师”是最专业的中小学知识问答平台; 在这里你可以3秒钟极速上传学习过程中遇到的各种困惑,上千名名校大学生和和资深老师会迅速回复给你高质量的解题思路和答案。 我们有什么不同: 1 回答专业:所有问题的回答者都是名校大学生或者中学老师,确保回答问题的专业性。 2 响应迅速:所有问题通过智能分...
Math Formulary Pro covers all mathematical formulas that are usually used in the school and the university. Where necessary graphics are included to d...
Freaking Math Pro - Brain trainning gameHow to play:• One second for making decision.• Choose TRUE or FALSE for a simple mathematical expression.• Ans...
Math pro is for younger kids but the harder levels may be challenging to teens and some adults.There is an easy mode, Normal mode, and Hard mode. Ther...
Solving day's supply and quantity equations quickly, efficiently, and accurately is a valuable trait for any Pharmacy Technician. Sig Math Pro pro...
Mathpro is a collection of calculators: Matrix Calculator (including complex matrices), Complex Number Calculator, Factorial Calculator, Quadratic Equ...
"Interactive Math PRO" is ideal for students and graduates, you will find a variety of useful formulas and tools for your daily calculus, you can ente...
Diese App richtet sich speziell an Kinder der Grundschule und verzichtet deshalb auf jegliche Werbung und Internetverbindung. Für diese App sind keine...