健康十大熱門網站 Health Care Top 10
愛玩手機,不愛運動的低頭族請注意:「手機誠可貴,健康價更高。」每天埋首拼命用功固然重要,身心的健康還是不能忽略喔! 閒暇之餘花點時間上健康網站,吸收一下健康相關的知識,對保健身心延年益壽是很有幫助的喔!健康相關十大熱門網站: KingNet國家網路醫院,康健網站,優活健康網,行政院衛生署藥物食品資訊...
愛玩手機,不愛運動的低頭族請注意:「手機誠可貴,健康價更高。」每天埋首拼命用功固然重要,身心的健康還是不能忽略喔! 閒暇之餘花點時間上健康網站,吸收一下健康相關的知識,對保健身心延年益壽是很有幫助的喔!健康相關十大熱門網站: KingNet國家網路醫院,康健網站,優活健康網,行政院衛生署藥物食品資訊...
行政院官方行動應用(App)服務,提供下列資訊:即時新聞:行政院發布的相關新聞稿。影音新聞:行政院發布的相關影音新聞。重大政策:行政院相關重大政策訊息。院會決議:行政院院會紀錄及決議事項。首長行程:行政院院長、副院長及秘書長每日行程資訊。免費玩行政院 APP玩免費免費玩行政院 App行政院 APP ...
衛生福利部 國民健康署推出健康九九APP,著重提供民眾及衛生教育人員正確與即時的衛生教育資訊與新知,並推出《身體質量指數BMI》量測功能隨身掌握身體健康,也提供《尼古丁成癮度量表》幫助想戒菸或正在吸菸的民眾,更了解成癮程度,進而選擇出適合自己的戒菸方法!請下載本產品,即可隨時掌握健康資訊與好康活動。...
AT&T Business Messenger is a mobile messaging tool for the workplace. Business Messaging allows you to do one-to-one chat, group chat and even broadca...
Find your perfect match. Test your names for love. What will be your future? Love test calculator for you and your friends. This calculator is using a...
The makers of "Instafusion Image blender" present a new app "Design Creator"An easy-to-use drawing app to help you create wonderful digital paintings....
Makers of Instafusion present Grab'n'Fly!★Grab'n'Fly★▶Control your bird, grab the diamonds and maximize your distance!▶Simply tap on t...
The makers of "Instafusion Image blender" present a new app "Design Creator"An easy-to-use drawing app to help you create wonderful digital paintings....
mobiHealth Wallet™ A Personalized Virtual Health WalletThe Challenge:The healthcare industry has been challenged to find a common data sourcefor a c...
mClient is a downloadable software application that can securely retrieve personal information from the Publishing Manager server and securely store t...