新安東京海上不斷求新求變,提供您優質的保障與貼心的服務。最新穎的M化服務現在邀請您一起來體驗!我們的 App 為您提供如下精緻服務:1.即時的最新消息與微電影欣賞(微電影即將上映中,敬請期待)。2.結合GPS定位的出險服務,作為新安東京的VIP保戶,您永遠沒有後顧之憂。3.全國最大的汽車維修體系,透...
(僅供合作廠商及人員使用) 新安東京海上產險是目前唯一採用「遠端視訊勘估系統」進行出險車輛理賠勘車服務的產險公司。 受損的保險車輛進入維修廠時,新安東京海上產險專業的理賠人員立即與維修廠進行視訊系統連線,平均8~10 分鐘即可完成勘估作業,保戶的車輛可立即交付修復而不必枯等保險公司的理賠人員來估價。...
Designed from the ground up Ancient Battle: Rome Lite gives a unique wargaming experience on iPhone and iPad. Use Roman legionaries, elephants, catapu...
"Sudoku Cafe" is a logic-based puzzle game to fill a 9x9 grid with numbers(1 to 9)."not to easy, not to hard, just the right amount of fun, ! I would ...
No.1 Classic Card GameIt's the classic Windows FreeCell Solitaire!Also it is beyond the one on original Windows OS since it is on iPhone/iPad with bet...
"Stops Tallinn" is a timetable viewer and a trip planner of Tallinn's public transport (buses, trolleybuses, trams and commercial buses).Application "...
Make your Kids and Children learn days with fun. Each day has its own flashcard and sound. Best educational app for toddlers. Kids learn days names an...
Flow Dots Line - Point Blank Adventures - Unblock with bridges- 750 levels- 10 Unique Packs- Universal game - all iPhone, iPad and new iPhone6 support...
This is an exciting puzzle game that everybody in the whole family will enjoy!You control two jelly-like blobs. The goal is to get them to their homes...