1. 为您找到久违谋面的老同学 通过觅伴的同学检索系统,为您寻找失去联系的老同学。自动生成的同学录大大降低了繁琐的搜索过程,觅伴将成为您寻觅小伙伴最好用的工具。 2. 与同学取得联系,了解对方近况 觅伴不但能够自动生成同学录,而且也提供了聊天、相册、交友等多种多样的服务,让您在找回老同学的同时,也能...
1. 为您找到久违谋面的老同学 通过觅伴的同学检索系统,为您寻找失去联系的老同学。自动生成的同学录大大降低了繁琐的搜索过程,觅伴将成为您寻觅小伙伴最好用的工具。 2. 与同学取得联系,了解对方近况 觅伴不但能够自动生成同学录,而且也提供了聊天、相册、交友等多种多样的服务,让您在找回老同学的同时,也能...
想起(听到)一首好听的歌曲,不记得歌名,怎么分享给正在聊天的微信好友? 用“微信哼唱点歌”,歌曲随心传递! 【核心功能】 哼唱搜索:哼出或唱出调调就能找到歌曲。 听歌识曲:录制一段周围正在播放的音乐,秒搜歌曲。 音乐播放:可以在线直接试听搜到的音乐。 【独特优势】 最快识别:最快1秒识别出正在播放的...
Tudo, absolutamente tudo, que você queria sobre a Portuguesa, agora na palma da sua mão! Acompanhe, 24h por dia, a cobertura do SporTV do clube do seu...
Gostam de assistir programas de TV, notícias, filmes, clipes de comédia ou canais do YouTube e ouvir rádio e música de sua escolha.• Principais Caract...
Reveal Davy Jones’ darkest secrets and defeat the nefarious sea devil once and for all!Museum curator Sarah Black would never have imagined where her ...
Ne perdez plus votre temps à chercher une station de radio portugaise. Grâce à l'application Portugal Radios choisissez l'agglomération la plus proche...
Reveal Davy Jones’ darkest secrets and defeat the nefarious sea devil once and for all!Museum curator Sarah Black would never have imagined where her ...
With this application you have a variety of over 30 radio stations that will satisfy the ears of even the pickiest listener in the country. Browse thr...
Barbican, is a challenging game! A Match 3 game style that will test your abilities and strategy. A game to all ages where your focus will be taken to...