台灣單車環島 - 電子書
*** 呈獻 ***書名: 台灣單車環島 作者: andrewandrew 的台灣單車環島連載完成,係時候整合一起,方便讀者閱讀。如果你即將去台灣踩單車,或者想睇一d 熱血既故事,都唔好錯過呢本電子書。- andrew 將兩星期的行程用文字及相片紀錄- ...
*** 呈獻 ***書名: 台灣單車環島 作者: andrewandrew 的台灣單車環島連載完成,係時候整合一起,方便讀者閱讀。如果你即將去台灣踩單車,或者想睇一d 熱血既故事,都唔好錯過呢本電子書。- andrew 將兩星期的行程用文字及相片紀錄- ...
The Madrid Codex (also known as the Tro-Cortesianus Codex) is one of three surviving pre-Columbian Maya books dating to the Postclassic Period of Meso...
自行車的導航routeplanning /導航在整個美利堅合眾國。A必須為每一個騎自行車。輸入您的目的地(或說話),按“開始導航”,你對你的方式。口語和英語(美國)和40 +語言的文字方向。 - 大多數用戶友好的GPS導航系統。 - 門門導航。 - 多國語言:40 +語言的口語和文字的方向。 - 語...
CrazyMath is a online math competition game. This game will take you to the world of mathematics which increase you math skills. There will be 20 ques...
SwissGrid Pro makes working with swiss grid coordinates even easier. It supports the same functions as the basic SwissGrid app, such as displaying swi...
CarDomain members can now keep Ride pages and Galleries up-to-date using an Android phone or Tablet.This initial CarDomain release allows you to:- Cre...
Juego clásico de las damas con reglas españolas creado con fines educativos con motivo de las Jornadas de Android 2014 de la Universidad de Granada. C...
Farabrew Keyboard is a Softkeyboard for tablet and phone touchscreens. It can switch between several different language keyboards keyboards at runtime...
How often have you heard a child ask, “How do you spell…?This is where Easy Spelling Aid takes over.Your child’s very own spelling and handwriting app...
A game about a fat blob with the nickname 'fatty'.All the bullies in school always called "Hey fatty!" to him.Now he's escaping from this ...