

MIA stands for Mental Illness Awareness. This is an educational app for people who would like to learn more about mental illness' affecting our co...


Jump with any peg horizontally or vertically across an adjacent peg in an open space. The peg that has been "jumped" will automatically be removed. Th...

Party Punchout

Party Punchout offers a new and innovative idea in mobile gameplay. This groundbreaking game combines 3 concepts not previously seen together in a sin...

Party Pix

Your party is going to be legen - dary with party Pix! You have a slideshow on a pc and all users of this app can take awesome party pictures and uplo...


『DIRECT BOOKS』は、ダイレクト出版会員様向けの電子書籍ビューワです。ダイレクト出版で実際の書籍購入した人に向けて無料で電子書籍を提供します。◆書店では手に入らない本格ビジネス洋書◆ダイレクト出版、翻訳書販売サイトでは、大衆受けしないため通常だと翻訳出版を見送られるような書籍を出版しお客様...