
M.A.C.E.塔防 M.A.C.E. Tower Defense

MACE塔防(TD)是一款经典的塔防游戏具有独特的塔和敌人以及游戏内的商店系统,渐入佳境塔,升级现有的塔,并购买特殊物品(原子弹,飞溅炸弹,气源)。你可以赚取金币与获得敌人的老板店里,挽救生命和解锁新地图。但它不仅是放置,升级或出售塔 - 在权杖塔防你可以提高你的游戏与放置地雷,砌块墙和电子领域的直...

Speedometer Pro

Speedometer Pro is a GPS Speedometer with 12 functions:-Speed: the current speed-Acceleration: the current Acceleration-Σ speed: average speed-Max spe...

NetTools Pro

Find out the details of your Android device:- Network settings, routing- Your real IP address and device ip address- IP routing, NAT- DNS Lookup.- Pro...

Worder Pro

This is the full version worder (4.5 stars in the market). No ads and hard mode unlocked. Is to help the developer ... :)Link letters to form words. W...


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