"为宝骏汽车的准客户和老客户提供最全面的宝骏车型介绍,最及时的售前售后优惠信息,在线预约保养维修,一键呼叫4S店求助中心等专属应用服务. [特色功能] 新增最经济的优惠商城:中石化9.5折加油卡,让您的汽车生活一省到底! 最便捷的汽车资讯应用:车型参数与报价,一应俱全,躺在被窝里照样看车型! 最快速...
"为宝骏汽车的准客户和老客户提供最全面的宝骏车型介绍,最及时的售前售后优惠信息,在线预约保养维修,一键呼叫4S店求助中心等专属应用服务. [特色功能] 新增最经济的优惠商城:中石化9.5折加油卡,让您的汽车生活一省到底! 最便捷的汽车资讯应用:车型参数与报价,一应俱全,躺在被窝里照样看车型! 最快速...
1>“大发快递”支持约60余家快递的查询,例如常用快递:顺丰、中通、申通、EMS、圆通、如风达、韵达、天天、汇通、速尔、德邦以及宅急送等国内外知名快递订单跟踪查询。 2>“大发快递”收藏50余家快递的查询方式,包括电话,网站地址,方便您及时下订单 3>“大发快递”支持二维码扫描,使订单编码输入更简单...
益峰货运通免费平台: 货车车主不用刮风下雨马路边“守株待兔”式碰运气等生意,需要运输的雇主也不用到处奔波找车纠结“货比三家”,只需要登录平台,车主雇主直接沟通,车主联系信息直接上了互联网,没有中介费,可选范围广,益峰货运通是您乐享货运,轻松挣钱的好帮手! 货车司机可躺在沙发上预约送货业务;发货单位可...
This app transform your personal Android Tablet or smart device into a easy to use and intuitive remote controller for video terminals such as Cisco C...
If you have a Cisco phone and you want to start calls simply selecting a contact from your smartphone address book install this app and get the Mida M...
Use your smartphone like a remote controller of your Cisco desk phone! with this app you can call any number of your smartphone contacts using your Vo...
Android M4PhoneLock app to control the personal Cisco desk IP Phone directly from your smartphone.Requires Mida eFramework virtual appliance to be ins...
Tired of using Cisco Extension Mobility punching in your username and PIN? Just use your smarphone selecting the phone you want to log in... the rest ...
Want to log in/out from your Cisco desk phone using your smartphone? you can use this app to store your CUCM credentials and handle one desk phone eas...
Plan your work shifts/services on your mobilefor continues rosters / shifts / schedules ...Infos: https://mopsdom.no-ip.org/help- Easily create your o...