

小章鱼寻主人是一款休闲有趣的动作小游戏,有的故事发生在一个儿童领养箱里,主人公是一个名叫Edgar的章鱼小玩偶,虽然他又小又黏,但他还是有幸的得到了一名小主人的青睐,可是不料容器箱口卡住了,Edgar被困在了里边,现在他要逃出容器,找到小主人! 游戏的操作很简单,黏黏的Edgar能够在不平的容器管道...

笔记本WP 2

使用这款专为Windows Phone设计的记事本软件——从日常开销到旅行计划。软件特设加强型密码保护,保证您存储信息的安全!这款软件操作简单,选项丰富,快来下载体验吧!Frequent updates?* This app undergoes routine tests and when an i...

Bedtime Music

With "Bedtime Music" you can fall asleep to your favorite music. Just start a playlist and after a certain time the app pauses playback while saving b...

LightBox Pro

LightBox is a bundle of several AWESOME and EASY-TO-USE lighting (LED/screen) utility apps. LightBox includes the BEST Flashlight, Night Light, Candle...