魔法仙境 Enchanted Realm

教育王國 Edu Kingdom

Android版教育王國應用程式正式推出!費用全免!大家齊來支持! 教育王國成立於2007年7月,為全港最多家長的專業教育網站,擁有逾20萬家長會員,討論內容涵蓋幼兒至初中教育,以至教材課程、升學選校、課外活動、特殊教育等教育心得。 繼親子王國 Android App 推出後,我們亦隆重推出教育王國...

우리아이 영어카드

어린이 영어단어 이젠 쉽고 재미있게 배우세요!! 미국에 발매하여 많은 어린이들에게 큰 인기를 얻었던 'Kids Vocab' 을 한국 어린이에게 맞게 새 버젼으로 제작하였습니다. == 특징 요약 ======================== - 놀이를 통해 재미있게 낱말을...

Bird's war

It's sale from $5.99 to 1.99 for 2011 This is a game that educates human beings to protect the birds and the environment. There were kinds of beautifu...


Control music playback without taking the iPhone or iPod out of your pocket. Just gently hit on the pocket to skip tracks.- Hit twice: skip to next tr...

KungFu World

This is a 3D Kungfu World - TaiChi game. 欢迎来试玩网 HD.shiwan.com 点评游戏,赢取大奖,做中国的苹果游戏达人。 All the action data of this app is based on exactly Chinese Tai Ch...