Food Planner Pro Module
This is a plug-in, and requires the original Food Planner. You should use the normal icon to start the app.When installed, you will get:* No ads, ever...
This is a plug-in, and requires the original Food Planner. You should use the normal icon to start the app.When installed, you will get:* No ads, ever...
(Versão sem Anúncios) Não deixe passar despercebido os melhores momentos da vida , Envie uma mensagem de voz para quem você ama, com este aplicativo v...
The exciting world of cars, brought alive in Autocar India’s engaging stories and features, has made it a ‘must-read’ magazine for anyone interested i...
Champak is India's popular children's magazine that is dedicated to the formative years of a child. The fascinating tales in it not only leave...
If you love Tamagotchi, or the idea behind caring for a virtual pet, you'll definitely love Kotori! Kotori is a dynamic with an emphasis on depth ...
不喜歡醜陋的圖標?要啟動隱藏的應用程序?這個程序是給你的。- 創建快捷方式具有不同的名稱 /圖標從原來的應用程序。- 快捷方式隱藏活動 /應用- 美麗的圖標集(內置,網上... ...)--- Shortcut Pro in english ---Don't like ugly icon...
India Today Hindi is the leading national news magazine in the Hindi market. India Today keeps track of each development that would trigger change in ...
乾道易學 ALL in One 2014 新增臉書貼盤,與自訂化banner功能, 本APP包含『八字』、『紫微斗數』、『大六壬』、『文王卦』、『奇門遁甲』、『達摩一掌經』(內建龍門八大局)以及記事與網路分享功能。資料存在 google 的個人行事曆當中, 使用前請先到個人 google帳號的行事曆...
QFind中国大陆放假日历2013版根據國務院《關于修改的决定》,爲便于各地區、各部門及早合理安排節假日旅游、交通運輸、生産經營等有關工 作,經國務院批准,現將2013年元旦、春節、清明節、勞動節、端午節、中秋節和國慶節放假調休日期的具體安排通知如下。 一、元旦:1月1日至3日放假調休,共3天。1月...