Recycle Stations 目的是提供一個方便快捷找到附近回收站的平台, 香港每日都有很多人因更換電子產品、搬屋或其它原因而掉棄有用的資源,若果能方便快捷地找到附近有沒有相關回收站,從而達到資源再用效果,而且可以像 Whatsapp 形式給讓雙方直接溝通,大大減少等待時間。 所需權限如下︰ 網...
Recycle Stations 目的是提供一個方便快捷找到附近回收站的平台, 香港每日都有很多人因更換電子產品、搬屋或其它原因而掉棄有用的資源,若果能方便快捷地找到附近有沒有相關回收站,從而達到資源再用效果,而且可以像 Whatsapp 形式給讓雙方直接溝通,大大減少等待時間。 所需權限如下︰ 網...
你是否玩膩了丟紙團的遊戲 ? 本遊戲除了可以打花你無聊的時間之外,還可以養成你日常生活中對垃圾分類以及資源回收的觀念。 希望可以藉由這個遊戲,大家共同來愛護這個地球, 為環保盡一份力量。遊戲包括了 :-有紙類、金屬類、塑膠類以及玻璃類等四種不同種類的可回收垃圾-回收筒有遠、中、 近等三種不同的距離,...
[-Description-]Do not touch the screen,You shoot the camera with proximity sensor.-Proximity sensor shootingSince non-contact, you can easily shoot im...
Must-have app for all police officers and detectives.Woman version with 900+ face elements.Have you ever wanted to be a police sketch artist? Well, no...
FlashClock is a clock with an integratated Light. Touching the display will starting the light. Another touch on the display stops the lightFunctions:...
Nostalgia Ti Frega is a photographic exploration of memory, identity, and place. The app focuses on the community of a Sicilian village destroyed by a...
We love technology but we miss the good old days.What about those photos, those photos were we used to believe in romance, in the old good days, in th...
FlashEm - the application that allows you to create your own flashcards. Organize your flashcards by subject and by topic (deck) within subject. Use t...
ATTENTION: Noteology is not compatible with iOS8 at the moment. We are working with our developers on an app update to resolve this issue. Compatible ...
Must-have app for all police officers and detectives. Have you ever wanted to be a police sketch artist? Well, now you can use the flashface app and c...