此APP最低相容Android 2.2以上版本,使用效果會因應不同手機廠牌、型號及出場設定而有所差異。移民署APP提供各項業務申辦需知、各服務據點、宣導影片等移民署業務相關資訊,另有業務申辦進度查詢等便利功能。歡迎民眾多加利用。免費玩移民署APP APP玩免費免費玩移民署APP App移民署APP ...
此APP最低相容Android 2.2以上版本,使用效果會因應不同手機廠牌、型號及出場設定而有所差異。移民署APP提供各項業務申辦需知、各服務據點、宣導影片等移民署業務相關資訊,另有業務申辦進度查詢等便利功能。歡迎民眾多加利用。免費玩移民署APP APP玩免費免費玩移民署APP App移民署APP ...
The easiest way to learn vocabulary in a language is visualizing and listening, so this e-learning app definitely will help you.Choose the language of...
The Fabasoft eGov-Suite gives you access to business documents within public service organizations on your Android smartphone and tablet, irrespective...
Augmented Reality Compass.ARC provides the observer with a virtual real-world coordinate system overlaying the camera preview.Never get lost again. Si...
新移民全球新聞APP,搭載新移民普遍使用之智慧型手機,提升本網站之黏著度及新聞傳播廣度,善用網路特性,結合目前最夯之趨勢行銷工具,與移民署共同打造新移民新聞總入口網的目標! 多語言APP提供就業輔導之選單,並利用APP之推播功能,提供更快速、更方便求職入口點,在許多研究資料中顯示,新移民利用行動裝置...
Manage your SoundCloud account with My Melody Box- See your profile, tracks, likes, playlists, groups, followers, and followings.- Upload and update y...
Retrouvez les observations des stations météo netatmo dans le monde.Températures, pressions, pluviométrie etc...免費玩Weather map (netatmo) APP玩免費免費玩Weat...
Sheep Impact is an addictive game of skill and timing! Press:T3.com: "Sheep Impact puts your digits to real use guiding the hot air balloon above the ...