在iOS和Mac平台上廣受好評的寶麗萊應用,Instant,終于在安卓平台閃亮登場!Instant是寶麗萊(Polaroid)公司正式授權的安卓應用。Instant以逼真的視覺和聲音效果模擬真實寶麗萊相機的工作流程,將任何一張數碼相片“重新拍攝”成爲一張經典的拍立得即時相片。主要功能特點:* 30種...
數位影像時代來臨後,人們更能隨時隨地,隨心所欲捕捉住珍貴的瞬間,以手機或數位相機拍攝大量數位影像和親朋好友分享。 高品質影像製造大廠 誠研科技 歷時多年觀察台灣新興的數位生活型態,為了滿足數位生活族群的內在需求,更渴望享受「快速」、「方便」的影像服務,而創立 「立可得」品牌。 「相片立可得」APP與...
This fun app is packed with culture, vocabulary and grammar questions and answers to help you improve your French, Italian or Spanish. Start off with ...
Get ready for the hardest, toughest, most insane game yet! All was well until the little bird rocked out of the safety of its nest. Can you survive an...
Die Berliner Mannschaftsmeisterschaften im Schach (kurz BMM) werden jährlich ausgetragen und bilden einer der Fixpunkte des Berliner Schachlebens und ...
"Falling Bird is a simple and fun game, but not easy. It was made hard to play to see if you are a pation gamer to win your self.Fly with the bird on ...
Tear down that wall - and fight your way to the top of the highscore list! THE game for the 25th anniversary of the Berlin Wall! The Berlin Wall was a...
Ready…Draw…BOUNCE!Falling Bird Rescue is the next mobile blockbuster!Let your bird soar with an ALL-NEW way to play! Launch your bird through the air ...
Berlin Spy ist zugleich Outdoor Game und eine ortsbasierte Schnitzeljagd (Location Based Game) im Agenten-Milieu. Urbanes Abenteuerspiel trifft auf De...