Welcome to Dabar… Which in Hebrew, simply means, “and I will speak”…And in this case, “I will speak what God says”.This app is designed to stimulate s...
Welcome to Dabar… Which in Hebrew, simply means, “and I will speak”…And in this case, “I will speak what God says”.This app is designed to stimulate s...
韩国料理菜谱大全,为您提供各种韩国料理的做法,让您轻松学会韩国料理菜谱的制作方法。。 ☆韩国料理☆ 韩国饮食特点十分鲜明,烹调虽多以烧烤为主,但口味非常讨中国人的喜爱。与中国料理不同的是,韩国料理比较清淡,少油腻,而且基本上不加味精,蔬菜以生食为主- ,用凉拌的方式做成,味道的好坏全掌握在厨师的手指...
本APP为您解读日本料理菜谱、日本料理做法、日本料理食谱、日本料理怎么吃,是您的厨房好帮手。 ★日本料理★ 日本料理即“和食”,起源于日本列岛,并逐渐发展成为独具日本特色的菜肴。和食要求色自然、味鲜美、形多样、器精良。而且,材料和调理法重视季节感。 ★操作说明★ 1)列表页下方的小箭头可以快速切换页...
Have you ever tasted “Fat Funky Chiken” or “Double Metal Zombie” cocktails? What if you’ll mix Ginger Beer, Limoncello, Chartreuse or something? How s...
The Hockessin Athletic Club (HAC) opened its doors June 10, 2007 after the transformation of a 12 acre mushroom processing site. The owners of the clu...
Hocco helps you understand your habits.Log how much you exercise, how much you eat and how much you drink.Hocco compiles a graph where you can follow ...
The ultimate cocktail recipe apps "Cocktail a la carte" (Cocktail à la carte) edition appeared in FREE!!!Cocktails a la carte, based liqueur, taste, f...
Deze app is ontwikkeld om de patiënten van Tandartsenpraktijk Hobbelink nog beter van dienst te zijn. De app bestaat uit twee onderdelen: tandheelkund...
[Cocktail a la carte] is an application which provides you with a search engine to find information on cocktails by base liqueur, and with a movie of ...
Enjoy the artistic beauty of the world’s most exotic drinks as your iPhone wallpaper.There are no annoying ads here, but we packed this app with beaut...