从小时候坐在爸爸的横梁上,到长大后坐在男友的后座上,到现在自已一个人骑着车前行,永远丢不掉的,就是对自行车的情愫。喜欢一个人骑着车,没有发动机的轰鸣,没有汽油味的刺鼻,只有眼前不断变换的景色,放纵生命,自由追风。 但是,到了每年的骑行季,所有和你一一样的骑行爱好者,一股脑的都涌入了川藏线的入口,和青...
从小时候坐在爸爸的横梁上,到长大后坐在男友的后座上,到现在自已一个人骑着车前行,永远丢不掉的,就是对自行车的情愫。喜欢一个人骑着车,没有发动机的轰鸣,没有汽油味的刺鼻,只有眼前不断变换的景色,放纵生命,自由追风。 但是,到了每年的骑行季,所有和你一一样的骑行爱好者,一股脑的都涌入了川藏线的入口,和青...
The best way to end procrastination and living without a purpose in life is to be reminded of one simple fact.You...are going to Die !It is something ...
This app is a self-hypnosis audio program to help you overcome the urge to procrastinate. Andrew Johnson is a Clinical Hypnotherapist based in Ayrshir...
Introducing End Procrastination Hypnosis - get to work, stop procrastinating and become more productive! Procrastination is the enemy of productivity ...
Today's technology makes it possible for people to achieve the incredible, but at the same time it provides an infinity of entertainment, distract...
Procrastination is THE app for all procrastinators out there.You just manage two lists of tasks: Tasks you want to do today (as if) and tasks you want...
So many people want to achieve but fall to the deadly virus - procrastination. If you don't want it to happen to you then download this app and energ...
So here’s what occurs: You've a plan – let’s suppose, to awaken at 7; be washed and dressed to kill and breakfasted by 8; at your desk, easel or o...
4/29 新增UBike功能,讓騎單車變成更方便的運動。提供功能:1. 提供挑戰關卡,讓單車不再只是運動,也是一種自我挑戰。2. 提供語音提示功能,手機搖一搖就可以知道時間與距離。3. 記錄每個月運動所花的時間和距離,便於分析您自己的運動時間與次數。4. 分享記錄到臉書上與朋友分享戰績。5. UBi...
愛背景,靈感是心臟,浪漫,花,玫瑰和情人節。使用方法:首頁 - >菜單 - >壁紙 - >動態壁紙 - >愛動態壁紙為了開發更多的免費很大的動態壁紙,我們已經實施了一些設置的廣告。廣告可以支持我們的發展更自由的偉大活的壁紙。被高估的壁紙是開發像小部件和令人驚嘆的3D壁紙Android設備的應用程序中...