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您一定有買保險,但是您有仔細看過條款內容嗎? 您看得懂條款在說什麼嗎? 壽險示範條款共三十條條文,條款內容常常是保險公司與消費者發生諸多爭議的糾結所在。 作者將多年壽險工作經驗,以深入淺出的方式配合案例,逐一說明,內容完整、全面,可作為引領消費者認識保險權益及有志從事保險者收藏的工具書。 本書也適合...
您一定有買保險,但是您有仔細看過條款內容嗎? 您看得懂條款在說什麼嗎? 壽險示範條款共三十條條文,條款內容常常是保險公司與消費者發生諸多爭議的糾結所在。 作者將多年壽險工作經驗,以深入淺出的方式配合案例,逐一說明,內容完整、全面,可作為引領消費者認識保險權益及有志從事保險者收藏的工具書。 本書也適合...
A local artist can predict the future through his paintings and you and your daughter could be the next victims of his deadly predictions in this exci...
Try this immersive, high-quality game for FREE! Then continue on with a ONE TIME unlock and play offline! NO VIRTUAL ITEMS, NO INTERRUPTIONS… you’ll O...
Play a FREE trial of this immersive, high-quality game! Then pay once & play forever offline! Townspeople flee as black smoke covers their town and a ...
Play a FREE trial of this immersive, high-quality game! Then pay once & play forever offline! Townspeople flee as black smoke covers their town and a ...
Silvertown was swallowed by fog and disappeared from the face of the earth 100 years ago. Lillian, a young and beautiful bride-to-be, dies unexpectedl...
Silvertown was swallowed by fog and disappeared from the face of the earth 100 years ago. Lillian, a young and beautiful bride-to-be, dies unexpectedl...
Silvertown was swallowed by fog and disappeared from the face of the earth 100 years ago. Lillian, a young and beautiful bride-to-be, dies unexpectedl...
Silvertown was swallowed by fog and disappeared from the face of the earth 100 years ago. Lillian, a young and beautiful bride-to-be, dies unexpectedl...
DARK DICE FREE: The iPhone Dice for the dark side * FREE EDITION *Get "DARK DICE", if you don't like the Advertisements.* "SHORT MATCH" AND "MEIER" AR...