驳二艺术特区以丰富创意的户外景观与精彩的艺文展演活动,展现位在高雄港边的艺文活力,透过这个行动导览APP,让参观民众与驳二零距离,掌握最新活动讯息。 ◎您可以于「FUN消息」查询驳二近期活动讯息 ◎「驳二通」单元里,您能了解驳二的起源与整体场域配置。 ◎「看好展」让您一手掌握驳二最新展览资讯 ◎透过...
驳二艺术特区以丰富创意的户外景观与精彩的艺文展演活动,展现位在高雄港边的艺文活力,透过这个行动导览APP,让参观民众与驳二零距离,掌握最新活动讯息。 ◎您可以于「FUN消息」查询驳二近期活动讯息 ◎「驳二通」单元里,您能了解驳二的起源与整体场域配置。 ◎「看好展」让您一手掌握驳二最新展览资讯 ◎透过...
高雄市政府觀光局結合民間資源,以LBS行動定位服務、實境導覽技術開發「高雄旅遊」行動適地性服務,提供最新的旅遊資訊,使觀光客能以手機或平板等行動裝置獲得最完善的觀光資訊,包含高雄地區當期活動資訊、旅遊景點資訊、捷運路線圖、吃喝玩樂等店家資訊、旅遊行程建議諮詢與急難救助資訊等訊息。免費玩高雄旅遊 AP...
駁二藝術特區以豐富創意的戶外景觀與精彩的藝文展演活動,展現位在高雄港邊的藝文活力,透過這個行動導覽APP,讓參觀民眾與駁二零距離,掌握最新活動訊息。 ◎您可以於「FUN消息」查詢駁二近期活動訊息 ◎「駁二通」單元裡,您能了解駁二的起源與整體場域配置。 ◎「看好展」讓您一手掌握駁二最新展覽資訊 ◎透過...
Acceda al contenido del BOE desde su dispositivo móvil gracias a la aplicación oficial y gratuita, ofrecida por la Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del...
O2 Naked Air is the leading supplier of pure enriched canned oxygen for renewed energy and overall better health. In a culture of energy drinks and bo...
The Illinois Municipal League was founded in 1913 and has worked continuously for the benefit of municipalities. The governing board is comprised of M...
The Illinois Mental Health Counselors Association provides support and resources for licensed counselors. These resources include the following: Illin...
The O2 Business enterprise portfolio for Hosted Lync UC.Making collobration workWilliam Buller from O2 shares a personal perspective on the workplace ...
Illinois Legislative Roster for AIEC Members is a searchable list of all Illinois Legislative districts. It is searchable by Cooperative, Name, and Di...
Illinois Hospital Association’s (IHA) Events app makes navigating our annual signature events—The Institute for Innovations in Care and Quality Confer...