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馬年新春免費動態桌布 FREE (PRO):2014新年伊始,祝大家馬年行大運,“馬”上發財。把各路財神供奉在您的手機上,在新年的一年讓您帶來好運。您可以通過設定讓您的手機屏幕掉落元寶,輕輕滑動您的手指,有意外驚喜哦!*你可以選擇6張關於馬年的高清桌布我所有的動態壁紙是免費為您您首選的分辨率和享受最...
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Help the frogs leap and escape the lily pond. A game for kids with immersive graphics and an excellent soundtrack. It will keep you hooked for hours.S...
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Love a challenge? Get ready for an epic puzzle adventure. Use your skills to complete a wide variety of challenging jigsaw puzzles with unique artwork...
Evil monsters are attacking the reign of Fingeronnia, help the heroes of the kingdom to destroy them by using the ultimate battle tactic: tapping and ...
Featured as one of the "Best New Apps" in the App Store!Your phone does amazing things. So why is it such a hassle to shop with it? With the Fetch app...
Le but du jeu Kémo est de retrouver un mot sans accent choisi aléatoirement parmi une liste de mots présélectionnés. La première lettre du mot vous es...