

一个关于火和黑暗的新故事 这是一个黑暗杂技骑士系列,燃烧的火和夜色的掩盖的最好的摩托技巧游戏。杂技骑士驾驶者燃烧的车轮计划征服黑暗的城市。这无疑是一个展示您卓越的驾驶技能的好机会。 转动手机控制摩托的方向,在空中翻滚出令人眩目的特技姿势,拿到最高分,80个令人难以置信的地图正在等待您的挑战。请不要放...

Tap Slide 2

The same Tap Slide… but this time not so squarish.The world’s easiest game Sliding Puzzle, with one touch control.Just tap to slide into place and for...

Tap Slide

The world’s easiest game Sliding Puzzle, with one touch control.Just tap to slide into place and form the complete picture.Lesser move you make, the h...

Orbit One

Your mission is to rescue as many astronaut as you can.Timing is everything.Launch your rocket from the spinning planetary orbit to change your direct...