

台灣大車隊 TaiwanTaxi公司簡介 台灣大車隊以領先同業運用衛星定位派遣服務,推出3G (GPS + GPRS + GIS) 乘車服務、24小時全天候衛星行車監控,真正做到「您在坐、天在看」高科技運輸服務業的安全品? ,因此台灣大車隊建立在消費者心目中為計程車第一品牌地位,所以開發出最適合民眾...

Tap Slide 2

The same Tap Slide… but this time not so squarish.The world’s easiest game Sliding Puzzle, with one touch control.Just tap to slide into place and for...

Tap Slide

The world’s easiest game Sliding Puzzle, with one touch control.Just tap to slide into place and form the complete picture.Lesser move you make, the h...

Orbit One

Your mission is to rescue as many astronaut as you can.Timing is everything.Launch your rocket from the spinning planetary orbit to change your direct...