

学校通是用于家、校沟通的免费教育通讯软件,是连通家长和学校的纽带。通过网页端与手机移动端,老师将孩子的在校安全、日常表现、学习情况以及学校通知等内容及时的发送给家长,让家长随时了解孩子的在校成长情况。为孩子建立起良好的家校互动教育氛围。 学校通由群英网络有限公司独立开发。群英网络有限公司,是国内领先...

Geo Doplaty

GEODOPŁATY (BETA VERSION) FREE!GeoDopłaty application is a set of tools based on GPS required on each farm. Currently available is a function of area ...

Geo Note

Create notes associated with a place, street, city ... and when you are in that place your phone will alert you need to do something.Look at the RADAR...

Geo Points

Manage all your favorite map locations with Geo Points. Choose Geo Points as your default map and address application and you will easily be able to i...

Geo Text

GeoText is a simple application that will retrieves your GPS location and convert it into an Address and conveniently place it into SMS text. Practica...