為短片分類之下的另一分支,華語地區對於微電影之時間長度的定義有所不同。內容型態包含:公益推廣、形象宣傳、商業訂製、個人創意等等,因其模式是在網路上以超短時(30~300秒)且有完整劇情的影片呈現,對民眾來說是受歡迎且具有吸引力,因此近年來小型電影以各種形式被社會各界廣泛地使用中。AAG 影片 影音 ...
為短片分類之下的另一分支,華語地區對於微電影之時間長度的定義有所不同。內容型態包含:公益推廣、形象宣傳、商業訂製、個人創意等等,因其模式是在網路上以超短時(30~300秒)且有完整劇情的影片呈現,對民眾來說是受歡迎且具有吸引力,因此近年來小型電影以各種形式被社會各界廣泛地使用中。AAG 影片 影音 ...
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The Incredible Islands Leaderboard is the gateway to the virtual world, where kids go to complete their Incredible Islands weekly Mission anywhere, an...
The CyberEdge Mobile App is a sophisticated, industry leading tool designed to keep you abreast of and up-to-date with the rapidly changing cyber secu...
Each summer camp Tavor serves over 200 campers from all over the country. Most of our campers are from different communities in Michigan or the Chicag...
Need some pick up and go scouting on Football Manager Handheld?This is the LITE Edition. LITE is 100% ad free but is restricted in the following:- Can...
Inter Football Manager - international soccer manager. Obtain your own football club, manage it and lead to the glory of competing players, presidents...
In "MintCoins", you get paid for completing simple offers such asdownloading a free app, watching a video advertise, completing asurvey etc. There are...
After paying more than $500,000 on Web - we go Mobile!Earn prizes and $$$ with Tapporo by watching videos, downloading free apps and more!With Tapporo...
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