

本书是永固法师刊登在《世界日报》专栏上的六十篇小品散文,依时令分为春耕、夏耘、秋收、冬藏四卷,寓耕耘心田之意,并以游化各地说法的因缘为主轴,编辑成书,透过小故事,让您在轻松欢喜中,洞见豁然开朗的人生大道。 作者简介: 永固法师 22岁跟随星云大师出家,之后,用好奇的眼,观看世间;用慈悲的耳,倾听大众...

Stocks Sample

Stocks app that allows you keep track of your favorite stocks. Add/Delete stocks to your list, check out the stocks news, and the latest price for the...


Dress is a simple game designed for people who like clothes and accessories but do not have time to prove it. In the application you can dress a figur...

Stocks Cal

This is a simple application for calculating profit/loss based on a stock buy/sale price traded on the Singapore Exchange (SGX). The calculation of co...