
انواع مرض السكري مع شات

أثناءعملية الهضم، يتحول الطعام إلى سكريات بسيطة (الجلوكوز) الذى يمد الخلايا بالطاقة والقوة، فيقوم هرمون الأنسولين - وهو هرمون يصنع في البنكرياس - بنقل...

What Vowels

A fast paced, highly addictive word game that will test all of your linguistic skills! Given a word with its vowels removed and a cryptic clue, you mu...

できる!色彩検定3級 ③



To install it again when buying a cell phone is replaced or no effort?AppList displays the list of installed applications,Selected application informa...

Cryptic Clue

Cryptic Clue is a brain teaser that combines the skills of solving a crossword clue, anagram, and jumbles.The a-ha moment experienced when you get it ...

Rope Zombie

* 20 RISK levels!* COLORFUL gameplay!Do you want to conquer the heights of heaven? Do you want to make the most incredible jump? Rope Zombie will help...



Bong Bong

Throw a baseball and hit all the balloons! Less trows means more points!You can throw a baseball a limited number of times, use them to pop all the ba...