众英雄翘首以盼安卓版《热血兄弟》删档封测,7月18日11点震撼开启!六大封测活动,定让你热血激荡! 【封测激活码获取方式】点击以下链接填写手机号即可获得,每日限500;http://game.mobage.cn/p/bb360【封测活动】一、封测冲级返大礼二、热血兄弟每日登录送80元奖励三、公测豪华...
Ever wondered how people like Hackers/BlackHats actually make money online?!? Well this will explain in DETAIL how to make money online just like they...
This is a book that will teach you about the different kind of viruses. Teach you what each one means, and how each virus functions.Learn how EACH VIR...
Aplicação demo da lib open source CircleButtonGrouped que permite criar botões circulares e agrupados com animação de expandir e contrair o grupo.Cara...
Android componente open source - EditText com personalizações, botões de incremento e decremento, e gestos.Características:Botões de incremento e decr...
Wifi Password Recovery allows you to view wifi networks's passwords you had already connected. Need to connect your notebook to a network that doe...
Learning to spell becomes a fun experience with Early Start Spelling. Your child will enjoy learning to spell 10 words at a time from a list of over 1...
Learning to spell becomes a fun experience with Early Start Spelling. Your child will enjoy learning to spell 10 words at a time from a list of over 1...