
Dairy App

Get the latest dairy industry news and market information direct to your handset for free with Dairy App.Collating the most recent feed prices, milk d...


Enter a secret world that only you can experience!What are you thinking, how do you feel, what is happening in your life? Capture your day in this spe...


An AIR® app to find other AIR® apps.AppIR is a showcase of applications and games built with Adobe® AIR®. The list of apps is updated as apps are foun...


同步手机时间,电话本,通话记录,短信。同步并自由设置手机中所有内置和安装应用程序的推送信息,包括彩信、微信、新闻题目、日历事件等等。同步多种海外应用程序,如LINE,Instagram Face(message),Gmail,CNN App,ZAKER等。同步手机音乐和远程遥控手机拍照功能。免費玩R...