Elish, il gioco di Narrazione di genere Fantasy, vi presenta il libro- game "L'Ombra del Duca", un'avventura da scoprire e vivere passo dopo p...
Elish, il gioco di Narrazione di genere Fantasy, vi presenta il libro- game "L'Ombra del Duca", un'avventura da scoprire e vivere passo dopo p...
春天來了!又到了阿里山櫻花盛開的季節,每年的2月到4月間,是到阿里山觀賞櫻花的最佳時刻!數量眾多的櫻花、李花、桃花,將阿里山森林遊樂區點綴得繽紛浪漫,如果您去年錯過了與阿里山櫻花的約會,那可得好好把握今年的櫻花季,帶您的家人、情人,來一趟浪漫的阿里山櫻花之旅哦! 簡介:最有趣的阿里山旅遊內容 公告...
3SUM Movies Augmented RealityThis application is based on "3SUM" movies on indonesia.You will become a hero who has to beat some opponents with gun. Y...
Feel the sensation of world’s fastest motorcycle TOP 1 ACK ATTACK with the speed of 605,7 km/hour!How to play “Catch TOP 1”:1. Find TOP 1 logo2. Catch...
Mega Bazaar Computer 2013 is a computer event organized by Dyandra Promosindo,held on 6-10 March, 2013 at JCC Senayan.Find all your computer needs in ...
AR&Co. tribute for Innovation 40 Award by The New Economy MagazineEvery year, The New Economy magazine recognizes 40 most innovative companies and ind...
AR&Co Augmented Reality USB - Augmented Reality technology is a new solution to enrich your surrounding world with digital information. To view: Simpl...
An augmented reality music app that allows the user to play along with the music.Download the app,find XL Xensasi starter pack, printed ads, billboard...
Ho-ho-ho!Looking for a different experience on this Christmas day?AR&Co. brought you an augmented reality experience to complete the joyful day!To act...
Introducing the My Freemasonry Mobile App! Join over 13,000+ Freemasons from across the world in over 100,000 discussions about the Craft!The My Freem...