本智慧型手机应用程式(阿里山赏樱趣)由行政院农业委员会林务局嘉义林区管理处,委托理太科技股份有限公司进行开发,供民众下载使用,并能够在民国103年以及往后年度的阿里山樱花季时期,用作导览查询使用。【注意事项】1. 本应用程式(阿里山赏樱趣)的部分内容(阿里山目前气温、最新消息以及开花现况)须透过网际...
春天來了!又到了阿里山櫻花盛開的季節,每年的2月到4月間,是到阿里山觀賞櫻花的最佳時刻!數量眾多的櫻花、李花、桃花,將阿里山森林遊樂區點綴得繽紛浪漫,如果您去年錯過了與阿里山櫻花的約會,那可得好好把握今年的櫻花季,帶您的家人、情人,來一趟浪漫的阿里山櫻花之旅哦! 簡介:最有趣的阿里山旅遊內容 公告...
冬季交通管制 Traffic Rush Winters 3D是一款制作非常精良的交通管制型休闲游戏。该游戏的画面精美程度绝对是在同类游戏中数一数二的。冬季的道路上,丝丝积雪让你感受到冬季的美好,城市的霓虹给你带来绚丽的视觉享受,而真实的音效将让你有种身临其境的感觉。在游戏中你将化身交通管制员,你要保...
What Users Are Saying: Great perspective [5 Stars] “Wonderful inspirations for each morning and evening. I usually read both at the same time. Like ge...
This app is an extension of the Mount Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce. By downloading for free, you now have the area's most comprehensive small...
Future Alarm Clock (aka Nanosec) lets you customize the way you wake up. Its unique interface and setting of watches, gentle pre-alarm mode, local not...
Covering South-African cities **ONLY**, WeatherSA allows you to customise the weather notices sent to your device, from storm warnings* and national a...
New Edition Already Uploaded....New Features:* Upgrade All Weapons Information* Upgrade All Equipment Information* Upgrade All Gadget Information* Upg...
Elegant Alarm Clock (aka Nanosec) lets you customize the way you wake up. Its unique interface and setting of watches, gentle pre-alarm mode, local no...