
阿舍食堂 - 阿舍乾麵熱門團購美食 驚喜美味送到家!

網路乾麵銷售冠軍-阿舍食堂,首度進軍手機平台!經典熱銷美味390元直送到家。阿舍食堂APP特色:★精選人氣商品一次購足★專屬推播 不定期優惠★快速結帳 最簡化的付款取貨流程★全館滿390元 免運直送到家阿舍食堂從台南出發、以台灣自產自銷的阿舍乾麵起家,單靠一塊麵、一包醬年賣千萬包,阿舍食堂用堅持,研...

The Tough Quiz

The Tough Quiz does what it says on the tin. No-one knows how many questions it has, no-one knows if it’s ever completed. No easy shortcuts here. Ther...

Dream JackPot

Pack your bags and go to Las Vegas!Try to win the JackPot and become a millionaire!You start the game with $500 in your pocket.With that, try to explo...