1、布丁酒店客户端是一款结合了地点服务和城市生活资讯的酒店预订手机客户端 2、提供覆盖了全国26个城市的布丁酒店连锁的查询,能自动识别您当前的位置,或指定一个位置查找最近分店支持会员储值卡支付,实时房态立即确认让用户出行无忧,入住便捷 3、支持新浪微博账号快捷登陆,可提供任何一门店周边配套设置,方面...
1、布丁酒店客户端是一款结合了地点服务和城市生活资讯的酒店预订手机客户端 2、提供覆盖了全国26个城市的布丁酒店连锁的查询,能自动识别您当前的位置,或指定一个位置查找最近分店支持会员储值卡支付,实时房态立即确认让用户出行无忧,入住便捷 3、支持新浪微博账号快捷登陆,可提供任何一门店周边配套设置,方面...
★掌上布丁 一路随行★ ★手机预订优惠更多,布丁酒店APP用户专享★ *首次下载入住即享史无前例的直接5折优惠* *下载成功还送百元房费抵用券* ☆每日18:00后推出夜销酒店,更便宜更优惠更满足你的临时预定需求; ☆最新活动一手掌握,各种优惠券和权益服务,让你尽享最超值的优惠; 布丁酒店手机客户端...
【布丁酒店】全新手机客户端预订全国30多个城市,超过300家门店。 布丁酒店提供免费高速wifi,退房零等待,越早定越便宜等特色服务。 ★优惠★ ☆特价:白天钟点房,18点后推出夜宵酒店,更便宜更优惠更满足你的临时预定需求; ☆最新活动一手掌握,各种优惠券和权益服务,让你尽享最超值的优惠; ★便捷★...
The idea behind "Call Notifier" application is, to send email to the id's which are configured with the phone. If the user check the "Activate Mai...
The idea behind "Virtual Fan" application is, to help those people who can not sleep with out Fan. At least by listening the FAN sound they can try to...
The basic idea behind this app is, you can remake your own version of Kolaveri Di.Kolaveri Di song is being played in this app where user can sing the...
The idea behind this application is, to close the background running applications at regular intervals.If the user check the "Close Running Apps" chec...
The main purpose of “Do not Touch Me” is to protect your phone from phone lifters in places where we keep our phone a side and starting working on som...
This app plays Real-time 3D Vector Cardiography given patient heart data from PhysioNet (Specifically the QRS lead data v1-v6) -Real-time 3D Vector Ca...
우리 모두 행복한 것만 생각하고 행복한 사람이 되도록 해요^^★ 도돌런처테마를 적용하면 배경화면/아이콘/런처위젯이 모두 변신합니다! :D■ 폰국이에서는 "think happy be happy" 카카오톡, 키보드 테마도 받을 수 있어요!- 폰국이 다운로드 : http:/...