

《纸盒手工》是儿童环保手工系列之一。 61DIY巧巧手幼儿手工系列包括儿童环保手工、儿童节日手工、儿童剪纸、儿童折纸、儿童布艺、儿童彩泥黏土、儿童撕纸、贴画、简笔画涂鸦等各种手工教程。 幼儿手工制作集绘画、剪贴、想象于一体,是一项非常锻炼孩子综合能力的活动。做手工能够培养孩子的观察力、创造力、动手能...


《纸盒手工》是儿童环保手工系列之一。 61DIY巧巧手幼儿手工系列包括儿童环保手工、儿童节日手工、儿童剪纸、儿童折纸、儿童布艺、儿童彩泥黏土、儿童撕纸、贴画、简笔画涂鸦等各种手工教程。 幼儿手工制作集绘画、剪贴、想象于一体,是一项非常锻炼孩子综合能力的活动。做手工能够培养孩子的观察力、创造力、动手能...


Jump, bounce and climb your way to the top of the tower of terror, as it crumbles around you, how high can you climb?Even if you do get squished into ...

GAF Remodeler

GAF Virtual Home Remodeler is an application that allows the homeowner to see different GAF shingles applied to their own home in real-time, with the ...

GAF Wizard

GAF Roofing Wizard is an application that allows a homeowner to both educate themselves on the GAF Lifetime Roofing System and explore the shingle des...